Flex Box Controllers
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- There is a significant volume opportunity to remanufacture this design of control unit.
- Determine a process to open an ECU housing designed to not be opened.
- Open the flexed printed circuit board without breaking the board or solder connections.
- Develop a ruggedized reman process for the product.
- After the reman process, the unit must function as good as a new unit.
- The PCBA must be flexed closed without damage after repairs.
- The ECU must be air tight to customer specifications.
- The end result needs to be a cost effective reliable alternative to new.
- Discover failure modes through extensive testing, hot , cold, and room temperature.
- We determined a process to cut open the housing to gain access to the PCBA.
- There is a maximum angle the PCBA can be opened without damage to the board itself.
- A block was designed to keep the board from flexing beyond or below a specified angle. Ciona has determined that the flex circuit board within the flex box can be damaged by over-flexing or multiple flexes, much like any wire so we have elected to only a unit to be opened and closed one time to reduce the risk of damage to the board.
- A primary failure was discovered and the OEM notified for future production.
- New internal housings are utilized and provide the best opportunity to meet the air pressure specification.
- This process covers a broad range of part numbers and applications from Agriculture, Marine, and Construction.
- Discovered failures from testing reported back to the OEM.
- A ruggedized remanufactured product is designed to minimize downtime and provide the customer a lower cost repair alternative.